Flexible Card

FlexCard allows a customised card to be displayed with title, optional badges, images and children. The image can be on top, middle, or bottom.

Header Image


By default, FlexCard displays the contents of the children in a card.


Hello World

With NavItem

Insert a title that is a link, combined with content.

<FlexCard title={{ name: 'Hello', href: '#' }}>...</FlexCard>

With Badges

List of badges that are links

<FlexCard badges={[{ name: 'Category', href: '#' }]}>...</FlexCard>


This is the content

With Colorscheme for Badges

The badges can have a specific colour scheme.

<FlexCard badges={[{ name: 'Category', href: '#' }]} colorScheme="...">...</FlexCard>


This is the content

With foreground colour

You can specify a colour for the title.

<FlexCard title="..." color="color">...</FlexCard>


This is the content

With background colour

You can specify a background colour.

<FlexCard bg="color">...</FlexCard>

Building a web site

You can put any content in a flexible header.

With image on top

If you supply an image, the header will show it on top of the card by default (can be changed).

<FlexCard image="...">...</FlexCard>


This is the content

With image in middle

You can have the image in the middle.

<FlexCard image="..." imagePos="middle">...</FlexCard>

With image in bottom

You can have the image in the bottom.

<FlexCard image="..." imagePos="bottom">...</FlexCard>

Full example

With title, badges, image and content.

<FlexCard ...>...</FlexCard>

Building a Web SiteCard

This is the content